Sketch 6 | Food Photography

Project for AMD 317

(left) overhead shot, (right) two angled shots

I decided to base my food photography sketch around my grandfather’s (Grampy’s) favorite foods because I am building an ofrenda to honor him this Dia de los Muertos. In these photos you can spy peaches (his top favorite food), French burnt peanuts, and wintergreen lozenges. I also included handmade papel picado to enhance the color and composition of the scene. These photos tell a story about Grampy’s hilarious character through the odd foods he enjoyed. My grandfather passed away less than two years ago, but if he were still here he would have been overjoyed to see this selection of food laid out for him.

I showcased every aspect of the dish in each of these photos by shooting with a deep depth of field and using my tripod. The photos have bright, contrasting side light to show off the shine on each food item and their volume with dark shadows. I used peeking items and drips of some of the peanuts and pink candy to increase interest and movement outside of the frame. I also included actual drips on the fruit to enhance their texture and shapes with glistening reflections. The food is placed on some subtly textured woven placemats to add even more interest and give the shots a rustic, homey feel. My favorite aspect of these photos is the warm, delicious colors of the food that are matched beautifully by the recipe book accessory.

Original sketch photos. (left) overhead shot, (right) two angled shots

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