Self Portrait | Introduction

Introduction post for AMD 317

Self Portrait Image for assignment

Hello, everyone! As you probably know because it is posted all over this blog, my name is Shelby Rossman. I just transferred to CSUSM from MiraCosta College where I earned my Art associates. I am a Junior and am hoping to graduate with my Art Media and Design bachelors next year. I am very interested in Graphic Design and have been focusing on studying this field throughout my college career. I taken many Graphic, Web, and Media Design classes throughout the semesters and have gained a lot of experience with Adobe design softwares. I have photo editing and content creating experience with Adobe Photoshop but have not dove into Lightroom’s capabilities as of yet. That being said, I have little experience with photography and have only used my cell phone camera in previous photography-related classes I have taken. I enrolled in this class so that I could gain some experience and knowledge about professional photography and the technical use of DSLR cameras. I am hoping to further my photography skills and collaborate with a talent group of students in this seemingly exciting course!

I am currently residing in the beautiful Carlsbad, CA and have lived here my whole life! I have many goals in life but mainly I hope to earn my bachelor’s degree here at CSUSM and begin working in the Graphic Design industry. Other than Graphic Design, I love digital illustration, animation, videography, and fine art which you can see many examples of on my Behance. I really enjoy drawing huge, photo realistic pieces with chalk pastel and have recently finished a bamboo forest drawing as a gift. I also like to paint and create multi-media pieces that combine bristol board and acrylic paint. If you would like to see a quick sample of some of my digital and physical illustrations, I included a gallery below. When I am not in school or doing art I work as a college Statistics tutor and I love to attend church, surf, and ride dirt bikes.

I am really looking forward to embarking on this class with you all and I wish you the best!


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